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Biodiversity Assessment​

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CTPAT Assessment​

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Companies are focusing on ethical sourcing to go beyond compliance and build credibility, thus strengthening consumer trust. Build compliance and resilience across the regulatory landscape globally.

German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)

Our updated Human Rights Compliance Assessment ensures alignment with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. Companies can use this assessment to:

  • Analyze supplier risk profiles
  • Cover all human rights & environmental risks (Sect. 2 (2) & (3) of the Act) that companies are obligated to analyze under Sect. 5
  • Easily understand supplier performance with documentation collection and risk score
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Supply Chain Sustainabilty Module Graphics_Regulatory Compliance – German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
Supply Chain Sustainabilty Module Graphics_Regulatory Compliance – European Union Deforestation Directive (EUDR)

European Union Deforestation Directive (EUDR)

Unravel the challenges of EUDR and identify deforestation risks and get the information you need to comply.

  • Efficiently collect and manage geographical data of commodities’ origins to meet compliance obligations for EUDR.
  • Evaluate the deforestation impact based on origins, certifications, and recyclability. Learn where you can source from and continue to import to the EU.
  • Request plot-level data from suppliers, to get the data you need for compliance reporting, for each product and batch you purchase.
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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

After completing your materiality assessment, our solution is designed to align with your company’s exact needs in the CSRD preparation process:

  • Monitor progress of data collection, ensuring adherence to the CSRD reporting timeline
  • Ensure data is audit-ready with advanced analytics that identify inconsistencies.
  • Export data outputs that match CSRD reporting requirements.
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Supply Chain Sustainabilty Module Graphics_Regulatory Compliance – Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)


Due diligence in supply chains

Conduct thorough assessments of your supply chain to identify and mitigate deforestation risks effectively.

Recommended assessments

Choose from a range of pre-built supplier assessments, or customize an assessment aligned to guidance published by the Accountability Framework.

Data analytics support

Receive guidance from our team of experts to help you compile and extract data in line with reporting requirements.

WO 102 SCCM Growth

European Union Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Facing the PPWR, a data-driven approach is crucial. Our Plastic Packaging Assessment emerges as a vital tool in this process, offering comprehensive visibility into suppliers’ use of plastic packaging, ensuring regulatory compliance, and identifying waste reduction opportunities.

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Turning Over a New Leaf: EU’s Bold Move Against Deforestation and the Path to Compliance

EUDR strives to lessen the effects of deforestation and forest degradation associated with the importation of certain commodities. See how this affects your organization.


CSDDD- How will it impact your organization?

This legislation proposes extensive new human rights and environmental due diligence requirements for over 13,000 European and 4,000 non-European companies. Find out why.


CSDD vs CRDDD- What's the difference?

CSRD and CSDDD are closely linked and work together to reinforce each other. Learn how.


Complying with the UFLPA: How to Detect Forced Labor in Your Supply Chain

With our distinct supply chain mapping and assessment tools, learn how to address forced labor issues concerning UFLPA.

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Fill out the form and we will get back to you to discuss your regulatory compliance needs.

Explore the assessments in this suite

Supply Chain Sustainability collects direct supplier data through 20+ expert-built assessments including Scope 3, ESG, greenhouse gas assessments and more.

Standard Assessments

Prebuilt environmental solutions for Scope 3 GHG, deforestation and more.

Environmental Assessments

Engage with suppliers on a deeper level and drive substantial environmental improvements across your operations.

Human Rights & Social Assessments

Direct visibility into supplier practices, facilities and products concerning labor risk, human rights and more.