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CTPAT: Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Assessment

Assess the trade security practices of your supply chain against the criteria of the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT). Identify vulnerabilities, take corrective actions, and develop a security profile for CTPAT membership.

Learn more

The Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Assessment provides a common set of indicators to help you measure importers’ supply chain security practices against CTPAT’s minimum requirements.

CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program with the US Customs and Border Patrol Agency. It works closely with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains. Members agree to ensure the reliability of their security practices and demonstrate that their trading and supply chain partners do the same.


Ready to deploy

Assessment content already designed and ready to be sent. Simply load your suppliers and start assessing.

Developed by the experts

Assessment content based on Custom Trade Partnership Against Terrorism’s minimum security criteria.

Real-time intelligence

Trade security data populates dashboards in real-time to instantly provide insights into your supply chain.

With Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Assessment, you’ll be able to…

  • Measure and improve trade partners’ transportation security
  • Implement specific safety measures and align with industry best practices
  • Identify supply chain vulnerabilities and take corrective actions
  • Develop a security profile for CTPAT membership
SCRM Module Graphics_Sub Tier Visibility – Automated invitation process copy

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Learn more

Fill out the form to learn more about the CTPAT Assessment.