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Supply Chain Sustainability

Empowering transparent and responsible supply chains.

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Engage your suppliers

Turn your suppliers into strategic sustainability partners. Leverage supplier perspective and collaboration for effective emissions tracking, risk identification and performance improvement. Engage with your suppliers in as little as two hours.

Unlock the power of N-Tier visibility

Access direct visibility into every tier of your supply chain. Our network effect makes it easy for your suppliers to provide you with auditable, qualitative and quantitative data you need all in one central location. Tap into our robust supplier network of over 100K+ suppliers and over 21MM data points and get the realistic visibility you need.

Leverage your existing data

Gain a more complete and holistic view of your supply chain through seamless integration with your current data sources, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other platforms.

Transform insights into action

Optimize your supply chain ESG & sustainability initiatives with data-driven insights. Track measurable progress and elevate your ESG performance. Make informed business decisions that drive milestone results to achieve your supply chain sustainability goals.

Explore the assesssments
in this suite

Supply Chain Sustainability collects direct supplier data through 20+ expert-built assessments including Scope 3, ESG, greenhouse gas assessments, and more.

Supplier Sustainability Assessments

Sphera’s sustainability assessments provide a thorough evaluation of ESG practices within your supply chain.

Regulatory Assessments

Stay ahead of evolving standards, simplifying regulatory compliance and sustainable supply chain management.

Human Rights and Social Assessments

Direct visibility into supplier practices, facilities and products concerning labor risk, human rights and more.

A solution tailored to your needs, addressing industry-specific, geography and supply chain complexities.

Navigate complex global supply chains and evolving regulations with ease. Enhance visibility, collaborate with suppliers to drive improvement and gain quick access to data. These capabilities enable you to make decisions that champion sustainable procurement.

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Enhance supply chain transparency and drive sustainable procurement practices.

Connect buyers and suppliers in one unified platform that enables responsible sourcing and emissions tracking, sharpens ESG risk detection and elevates sustainability reporting.

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Get a Handle on Supply Chain Volatility

In today’s globalized marketplace, supply chains face unprecedented volatility. From geopolitical instability to climate-related events and resource scarcity, businesses are constantly navigating a landscape of risk. These challenges are compounded by growing pressure to meet global ESG regulations and a consumer base that demands greater transparency and ethical sourcing practices throughout the supply chain.

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Supply Chain Transparency

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