Welcome to our blog series on technology’s place in raising process safety management (PSM) awareness. In this series, we explore advances in digital technology that enhance PSM. 

For starters, this blog illuminates the critical role and the benefits of real-time barrier health management. Read on to learn how innovative methodologies such as Sphera’s digital solutions are advancing PSM.  


Understanding real-time barrier health management 

Since publication of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA)  process safety management (PSM) standard in 1992, awareness around process safety has grown exponentially. Other countries have taken a different approach, but all have aimed at the same outcome to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.  

Particularly in industries with a high hazard potential, organizations want to know how activities, both direct and indirect, affect their process safety management status. Companies in less risky industries are also interested in the lessons learned from facilities that have implemented robust safety management systems encompassing PSM elements.  

At the Hazards 34 process safety conference this past November in Manchester, U.K., one critical topic of discussion was the use of PSM-enabling digital tools such as digital twins. By providing a virtual representation of a system, a digital twin delivers an enterprise-wide understanding of how planned work activities impact process safety barrier and equipment health.  

The virtual system makes risk exposure visible in real time, reducing vulnerability to high-potential near-misses and major hazard events. Such digital tools serve to provide unmatched clarity into how operational activities influence the overall safety landscape. 


Visualizing safeguards and providing insights 

Managing barrier health means continuously monitoring the performance and status of safeguards designed to prevent or mitigate process safety incidents. Real-time barrier health management integrates advanced systems to visualize these safeguards and provide actionable insights. This visibility helps operators reduce major accident hazards by empowering users to: 

  • View process safety barrier health. Digital tools use the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers’ Swiss cheese model of major incident risk as a reference on what safety critical elements to include in these barriers. The barriers light up in a green, amber or red traffic-light system that allows “live risks” to be displayed. Operators can take actions to mitigate risk with the aim of preventing unintended events from occurring or stopping escalation to harmful consequences.   
  • Reveal process safety barrier status. Using a live bow tie methodology, Dynamic Risk Pathways bring in data from disparate sources. Risk exposures and outcomes are displayed in a bow tie diagram to enable employees to understand and visualize the process safety barriers at their locations.  


Preventing process safety incidents 

Real-time barrier health management affects the entire workforce, from frontline employees to engineering and planning teams. Workers, supervisors, engineering and maintenance of the facility benefit from knowing what barriers are in place to prevent a process safety incident.  

Across the enterprise, operators and crews achieve visibility in real time, so they are able to respond when an individual barrier is breached. Both the Swiss cheese model and the bow tie model offer their own unique visualization of “live risk.” 


Reducing risks and improving decision-making 

Sphera stands at the forefront of process safety management and offers two ways to visualize barrier health. With a better understanding of process safety conditions and facility health status, you gain actionable insights into risk reduction. Sphera provides a mature software solution that offers: 

  • Visualization of process safety barrier health using the Swiss cheese model. This shows the near real-time status of each barrier and how it interacts with other barriers.Once the barrier health solution is deployed and imported data is displayed in the barrier model, facility areas that are affected are displayed in red or amber when pre-set risk conditions are met.  
  • Visualization of process safety barrier status using live bow tie methodology.Once the barrier health solution is deployed and imported data is displayed in the barrier model, facility areas that are affected are displayed in red or amber when pre-set risk conditions are met. With the bow tie solution, the threats/causes and top events as sources of risk are visible, as well as all controls and barriers. 

Our real-time barrier solution enables you to improve operational decision-making and take a proactive approach to your evolving risk levels. 


Adopting digital process safety technology 

Historically, some organizations have been slow to adopt digital process safety technologies. However, findings from Sphera’s 2024 Process Safety Report reveal a significant shift. Indeed, this year may be the digital tipping point for PSM. An overwhelming 95% affirm that digital tools are a key ingredient in enhancing process safety.  

Additionally, the report shows that 52% of organizations have invested in solutions to visualize and proactively manage the health of individual safety barriers and safeguards. To continue moving forward, PSM practitioners will need a partner that deeply understands the needs and nuances of process safety digitization. https://sphera.com/resources/report/sphera-insights-2024-process-safety-report/ 

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