Keynote: The Need for Global Standards

As ESG investing becomes mainstream in developed and emerging markets, there has been growing momentum related to mandatory ESG reporting unfolding around the world. The emergence of regulations combined with a multitude of competing standards and frameworks that organizations could use, make it difficult for organizations globally to decide which one to use for their reporting. The global push for standardization and transparency on climate disclosures needs to pick up speed.

There is a trend toward the alignment of various standards (CDP, GRI, SASB, IR, etc.) and frameworks (TCFD, CDSB,), that help comply with existing and expected regulations (SEC, CSRD, and many more). This has been further conflated with a growing ecosystem of ESG ratings and indices. Learn more about how frameworks and standards come together to help the business community to standardize reporting and tackle the ESG and sustainability regulatory challenges.

Speaker(s): Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Senior Director, Consulting at Sphera.

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