In the world of life cycle assessments, the accuracy and credibility of data are paramount. Reliable data enables companies to make informed decisions about their environmental impact, identify areas for improvement and comply with regulations. Different organizations have different approaches for ensuring their data’s quality. Some may opt to offer full transparency into their datasets as their main marker of quality. Others, such as Sphera, opt to implement a robust assurance program to support data quality. Sphera’s LCA data quality assurance process makes sure that our Managed LCA Content is reliable and accurate.

  • 1. Internal review: The internal review of data is the first step in Sphera’s data quality assurance process. This process includes three levels of review. First, individual datasets are reviewed by the engineering team. Then dataset groups are reviewed by engineering. And finally, there is an ongoing, systematic SQL routine to ensure standardization across datasets.
  • 2. Stakeholder engagement: Sphera regularly engages with customers, industry experts, research and academic partners and LCA standards to review and screen our LCA data.
  • 3. Third-party reviews: Finally, since 2014, Sphera has collaborated DEKRA, a leading expert organization in testing, inspection and certification (TIC). DEKRA provides critical reviews of Sphera’s Managed LCA Content. This unbiased verification helps Sphera ensure data integrity.

The three-pronged approach to LCA data quality assurance employed by Sphera is a comprehensive and effective method for promoting the reliability and accuracy of our Managed LCA Content. Through internal review, stakeholder engagement and third-party reviews, Sphera continuously strives to maintain the highest level of data quality for our clients. Our commitment to data integrity aims to help companies confidently use the Managed LCA Content in their decision-making process. As technology advances and new challenges arise, Sphera will continue to adapt and improve our LCA data quality assurance process to provide the most accurate and reliable data for our clients.  

Whether you are just starting your sustainability journey or have been actively working towards reducing your environmental footprint, remember that having reliable and accurate LCA data is crucial for making responsible decisions.  

Download DEKRA’s review summary

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