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Online LCA trainings for EMEA

In order to help you succeed sustainably, Sphera offers a wide range of sustainability-focused training courses and workshops, from an introductory level all the way up to masterclass training.

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Group trainings courses

Training documentation is included with each session. After completing the course all participants will receive an official certificate of attendance upon request.

Number of participants: 4-12

Location: online

Register now

Introduction to LCA

Whether you are new to product sustainability, interested in how other companies approach LCA, or looking to build your expertise, Sphera’s one day training provides a fun and collaborative environment with a network of your peers. Leave with confidence that you can apply LCA within your role to build business value for your company. Learn tips and techniques from our experts which will save you time, effort and improve the quality of your LCA projects.

Who should attend?

Research & development experts, product managers, environmental engineers, innovation managers, and academics that are new to the concept and method of LCA should attend.

At the end of the training you will:
  • Understand how LCA can help you achieve your business objectives.
  • Be able to communicate the business value of sustainability and life cycle assessment.
  • Have a solid understanding of LCA – a methodology to assess the environmental performance of a product throughout its life cycle including production, use and disposal.
  • Understand the process steps for successfully completing an LCA – i.e. goal and scope, life cycle inventory, data collection and quality check, life cycle impact assessment, results interpretation, reporting and third party review.
Certified by ACLCA

Certified by the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA):
The “Introduction to Sustainability & LCA” course is a registered ACLCA course. The course is pre-approved to qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Life Cycle Assessment Practitioners (LCACP).

2024 Dates:
  • August 5th 
  • September 4th

LCA jump start training

Join an ever expanding group of fellow LCA for Experts practitioners to exchange ideas and experiences in a fun and collaborative training environment. Quickly and efficiently learn LCA for Experts’ core functionalities, understand the extensive database at your fingertips, and gain confidence in your ability to build models to support life cycle assessment and business decisions. Learn tips and techniques from our experts which will save you time, effort and improve the quality of your LCA projects.

Who should attend?

New or potential users of Sphera’s LCA for Experts software


Individuals with LCA training or equivalent skill level (understanding of LCA methodology and basic terminology)

At the end of the training you will:
  • Understand LCA for Experts’ modular and intuitive process-based approach to modeling the life cycle of a product from cradle-to-grave.
  • Have confidence to build a simple product model to evaluate life cycle impacts in various impact categories (e.g., carbon, water, energy, emissions, waste, etc.)
  • Have confidence to build simple scenarios using existing parameters.
  • Be familiar with common life cycle impact assessment methods (e.g. CML, ReCiPe, TRACI, ILCD recommendations/PEF impacts)
  • Understand how LCA for Experts’ dashboards can be used to quickly analyze results.
  • Have an awareness of the full Sphera LCA Software Suite and the functionalities available for intermediate and advanced users.
Certified by ACLCA

Certified by the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA):
The “Product Sustainability (GaBi) Jump Start Training” course is a registered ACLCA course. The course is pre-approved to qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Life Cycle Assessment Practitioners (LCACP).

2024 Dates:
  • July 29th-30th
  • August 7th-8th
  • August 26th-27th
  • September 9th-10th
  • September 18th-19th

Intermediate training

Building on your existing LCA for Experts knowledge, this intermediate level training will take you one step further. We will look deeper into life cycle methods and specific features that will accelerate your learning.

Who should attend?

Existing LCA for Experts software users who want to improve their basic skills. This is also recommended follow-on training for customers who have already attended a Jump Start training session.

What does the training cover?

Life cycle assessment methodology

  • Common Impact Assessment methods
  • Review of new impact assessment methods: upgraded versions of CML, ReCipe and TRACI, ILCD recommendations

Scenario analysis, parameters, plan and process level, assessing and analyzing results

  • Customized results display
  • Hotspot analysis
  • Grouping features & weak point analysis
  • Creating a mixer
  • Parameter explorer for scenario analysis
  • Modelling exercise: cradle to gate parameterized model
Why attend?
  • Develop your skills further with lots of hands-on modelling and training exercises.
  • Understand how you can accelerate your modelling, getting great results in less time.
  • Get useful tips and tricks from expert consultants to help you analyze your results more effectively.
  • Learn new ways to use your LCA for Experts skills to innovate in your product sustainability projects.
  • Small group sizes make for a focused learning environment and plenty of time with your trainer.
  • Join an ever expanding group of fellow LCA for Experts practitioners and exchange ideas and experiences.
Certified by ACLCA

Certified by the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA):
The “Product Sustainability (GaBi) Intermediate Training” course is a registered ACLCA course. The course is pre-approved to qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Life Cycle Assessment Practitioners (LCACP).

2024 Dates:
  • July 31st-August 1st
  • August 13th-14th
  • August 21st-22nd 
  • September 16th-17th
  • September 23rd-24th

Advanced training

Aimed at existing users, this training provides attendees with valuable tips and techniques to advance their product modelling and LCA for Experts Software skills. In addition it will look deeper into life cycle methods and highlight specific LCA for Experts features that will accelerate your LCA work.

Who should attend?

Existing LCA for Experts software users wishing to further extend their skills. This is also recommended as the next step for customers who have already attended an Intermediate training session.

What does the training cover?
  • Scenarios: advanced parameter use
  • Interactive report
  • LCWE & LCC in LCA for Experts
  • Database content and documentation
  • Analyst: evaluating uncertainty of the results
Why attend?
  • Refresh and advance your product modelling skills.
  • Learn to make your LCA skills flexible so they can be applied to a whole range of different projects.
  • Develop your ability to further streamline and accelerate your LCA modelling skills to create category leading product sustainability solutions.
  • Small group sizes make for a focused learning environment and plenty of time with your trainer.
  • Join an ever expanding group of fellow LCA for Experts practitioners and exchange ideas and experiences.
Certified by ACLCA

Certified by the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA):
The “Product Sustainability (GaBi) Advanced Training” course is a registered ACLCA course. The course is pre-approved to qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Certified Life Cycle Assessment Practitioners (LCACP).

2024 Dates:
  • August 28th-29th
  • September 30th-October 1st

End-of-life modeling approaches

This training will focus on the most commonly used EoL allocation approaches, their underlying paradigms, and their implementation in the LCA for Experts software.

End-of-life allocation is one of the more complex and daunting tasks in the life cycle inventory phase in any life cycle assessment study. The recent push towards a circular economy and the associated solutions and business models has further highlighted the need for proper scenario analysis around different accounting approaches.

An LCA for Experts license is not required to attend the training.

2024 Dates:
  • September 5th

Price per training


per person

End-of-life modeling half day training


per person

Contact us

Fill out the form and we will get back to you to discuss your LCA training needs.



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