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Turn insight into action with Actions Software

Take control of all health and safety risks across your business by using the insights from all health and safety modules and turning them into actions and remediations.

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Act on event data from across your organization and manage risk by addressing single-site or company-wide issues. Set up corrective actions; apply a remediation action or task across multiple sites simultaneously; or allocate resources by highlighting risk hotspots with high concentrations of actions.

Assign actions to anyone

Allocate actions to individuals, teams, contractors or suppliers—instantly and from any location.

  • Use any Android, iOS or Microsoft device.
  • Allocate actions at the source of risk.
  • Ensure rapid remediation.
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Automatically alert employees and manage action closeout

Automated alerts, reminders and monitoring help organizations save time and ensure effective action.

  • Assign to both individuals and teams.
  • Notify when due dates are approaching.
  • Escalate when actions are overdue.
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Flexible reports that work for you

Present clean, easy-to-understand reports based on the specific dataset.

  • Create different views of the same datasets.
  • Generate up-to-date reports with a single source of truth.
  • Make data-driven decisions.
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Request a demo

Fill out the form and we will get back to you to discuss your actions software needs.



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Unlocking EHS excellence: two real-world examples

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Explore the modules
in this suite

Our enterprise-wide, fully integrated software reduces the likelihood of incidents and operational losses. Advanced software tools build workflows to capture, track, investigate, report and analyze health and safety information.

Incident Management Software

Optimize safety performance with end-to-end incident management.

Management of Change (MOC) Software

Effectively manage and mitigate risks to optimize your change process.

Audits Software

Centralize, plan and automate audits and inspections with customized workflows.

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