Sphera ranked as the top brand by decision-makers with influence over ESG and sustainability software selection.

Sphera has been recognized as a top provider in the Market Perception Trends: ESG and Sustainability Software Providers 2024 report by Verdantix, with the report noting that Sphera is the vendor most commonly cited as ‘market-leading.’ Sphera combines robust software, market-leading data and a well-rounded team of sustainability consultants to deliver superior Integrated Sustainability solutions.

We continually evolve to meet the dynamic needs of businesses. Strategic acquisitions, such as riskmethods in 2022 and SupplyShift in 2024, mark our commitment to broadening our capabilities and strengthening our Integrated Sustainability offering.

With brand awareness of over 50% among ESG and sustainability executives as noted by Verdantix, we are proud of our significant market presence.  

At Sphera, we understand today’s fast-paced regulatory landscape and are well positioned to support emerging assurance requirements, regulated and non-regulated disclosures and stringent data security measures.

Additional recognition from Verdantix

The Green Quadrant: ESG Reporting and Data Management Software report aims to help organizations better understand the market evolution of the ESG reporting and data management software ecosystem by taking a deep dive into the current software platform offerings. The benchmark report, based on the proprietary Verdantix Green Quadrant methodology, assessed 15 capability and 11 market momentum categories.

The inaugural Green Quadrant: ESG Reporting and Data Management Software report shows Sphera differentiating itself with top scores for voluntary reporting and regulated and mandated frameworks, as well as high scores for vision and strategy and ESG and sustainability performance management.

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Verdantix’s Market Perception Trends: ESG and Sustainability Software providers 2024 report

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