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Consumer Services & Technology

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Today's tech-driven world demands responsible innovation. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the impact of their purchases. They demand high-quality consumer goods and products made with sustainability and transparency in mind. Traditional, manual methods might leave you struggling to meet these expectations. It is possible to achieve superior quality, environmental responsibility and global trust.

Design sustainable products and supply chains

The need to collect data from raw materials to manufacturing and production to distribution and disposal is paramount to the R&D process. But siloed environmental, social and governance (ESG) data hinders progress. Make product design and supplier decisions that support your bottom line while maximizing the environmental and social impact of your products throughout their life cycle.

Elevate quality through productivity

Reduce costly errors and ensure consistent quality. Implement and manage process safety and risk management systems across your entire operation. This safeguards your people and the environment while driving quality improvements in your consumer goods and technology—without losing site of the financial consequences of incidents and accidents.

Tackling compliance to drive loyalty

The regulatory landscape across products, operations and the entire enterprise is complex and ever-evolving. Software helps you ensure that obligations are met and reports are filed. It also helps you communicate with all stakeholders to provide peace of mind and build trust among consumers and employees.

Explore the solutions for your industry 

Sphera’s award-winning software, data and consulting solutions provide the path for consumer goods & technology companies to be sustainable, transparent and compliant. 

Chemical Management

Store material and chemical compliance data in one central database.

Corporate Sustainability

Manage, track, report and improve your environmental and social impact.

Life Cycle Assessment Software and Data

Foresee impacts throughout product life cycles with data and software.

Sustainability Consulting

Get consulting support for your unique sustainability performance needs.

Health & Safety Management

Identify and mitigate safety risks to protect your workforce.

Master Data Management

Manage MRO, materials, services, products and finished goods data.

Supply Chain Risk Management

Monitor, assess and mitigate supply chain risk with our AI solution.

Supply Chain Sustainability

Quickly access data, enhance visibility and easily collaborate with suppliers.

Latest insights from Sphera


Sphera Managed LCA Content Annual Update

Get a focused overview of the updates, improvements and new datasets in Sphera’s MLC.
April 17, 2024

The significance of ESG regulations in today’s supply chain landscape

Learn how digital process safety management benefits all levels of an organization.
April 15, 2024

The SEC’s new Climate Disclosure Rules

Understand the complexities of the proposed rules and gain actionable strategies for the path forward.
April 8, 2024

Talk to an expert

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