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Begin your ESG and Environment Sustainability Management (ESM) journey

Drive your organization into a sustainable future.

Talk to an expert

Make informed ESG and ESM decisions to meet the complex challenges of managing sustainability performance. Sphera offers a unique combination of software, data and consulting that helps companies around the globe take the next step in their sustainability journey.

Expert led

Tap into ESG and ESM guidance from world-class sustainability practitioners.


Get insights from over 20,000 datasets for more than 20 industries.


Streamline reporting across business silos.


Adapt to ESG and ESM goals and evolving stakeholder needs.

The benefits of Environmental Sustainability Management performance across the enterprise

Best-in-class companies realize up to a:


drop in data collection & reporting time


increase in ESM program ROI

Bridge the gap between data, investing and ESM factors

Learn how Sphera helped Mahindra improve their environmental performance and drive long-term ESG value.

Read case study

The path to achieving better ESM performance


Identify ESG priorities and opportunities


Build ESG roadmap to drive investment decisions


Establish science-based targets for measurable improvements


Use software to streamline reporting and analysis


Communicate results to stakeholders at every level

Talk to an expert

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